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Rapture Game

This game invites players to explore the complex issue of Black Bloc riots. What truly motivates their actions? Should they be supported or condemned? The aim is not to pass judgment but to spark meaningful debate.

The game revolves around four players, known as the heroes, who face numerous challenges to save the town of Voidville, a place overrun by monsters. Unbeknownst to them, their characters are part of the Black Bloc, a revelation that unfolds only at the game's conclusion. We intentionally maintained a neutral tone, presenting facts without bias and concluding with thought-provoking questions to encourage reflection.

Set in a post-apocalyptic future, the game takes place in a world dominated by the authoritarian "Soviab" government, which has suppressed public access to the truth. The narrative immerses players in a mystery tour, where each step is unlocked only after completing specific tasks.​

Players progress through six stages (plus an initial starting phase), each featuring a task code and a unique clue. The ultimate objective is to rescue the monsters and uncover the "true" ending. However, the game’s app is essential, tasks cannot be initiated or completed without it, and missions must be finished to advance within the platform.

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